Is it me, or am I ENGULFED IN FLAMES!?

Actually, my answer tends to be "No" simply because, to me, "ART" refers to something you'd hang in a museum or collect in a coffee table book (these days, however, even THAT definition doesn't hold water =^-^=). I've always assessed that I am a "cartoonist." It's a title that, I feel, holds a certain amount of grungy prestige, as it is the cartoonist who often catcalls from the sidelines and heckles the status quo with near impunity. Still, I'm probably just full of shite...anyways, here is the basic beginnings of my art page. I'll be honest, most of my art updates will appear in my VCL directory before they appear here simply because of time restraints. In the meantime, however, here's some older (about two years, actually) pics to look over.

My VCL directory (which is under "Fizzgig")
((DISCLAIMER: The VCL has adult content on several of the neighboring directories. Enter at your own risk.))


Street Cobra (from Warbeasts)


An older design of Street's handler, Slugger, looking very much like an Image character...hey, I'm only human

A demon

A melting demon thing, probably from Warbeasts as well

Louis sitting

An old shot of Louis Fender In an oddly sedate mood

Louis armed

A lousy scan of a more recent pic of Louis

A bird

A cartoon bird I was attempting in a newer style

Chet's nuts roasting on an open fire...
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