"...there's a message, scrawled in blood..."
"What 's it say?"

-the video for "Thriller" by, er, what was his name again..?

Heya...and welcome to the section of my home set aside for my semi-literate ramblings and manic rants. As you may have read in my profile (if you had the patience and the optical fortitude TO read my profile), I've been writing for now almost twice as long as I've been drawing. Oddly enough, despite this I only have a couple of examples to show you all (for me at least, it's easier to draw than write). SO, in order to validate the existance of this particular page, I'm going to follow the example of many of my peers and include a section devoted to my random thought processes...AND HENCEFORTH IT SHALL BE CALLED "ECHOES FROM THE PIT" (ooo, scary-scary). So, without further ado...


Part one of an attempted Transformers fanfic based on original characters and guest starring Starscream (it's cheesy, I know, which is probably why I stalled on Part 2).

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